Gemma Boleda, ICREA Research Professor in the
Department of Translation and Language Sciences of the
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain);
co-director of the Computational Linguistics and Linguistic Theory (COLT) research group. You can reach me via email at or snail mail here.
I want to understand how language works; in particular, how humans convey meaning through language. The focus of my research is how the linguistic system and its use in communication influence each other. For instance, a speaker of English can use different expressions (e.g. "the dog" or "the chihuahua") when referring to a given chihuahua. The choice depends, a.o., on the words available in the language and the properties of the object and the communicative context. In turn, over time, specific speaker choices change the linguistic system itself. I study these dynamics in a range of semantic phenomena, such as how the vocabularies of natural languages partition the world into words, why words tend to have several meanings, how these meanings look like, and what is universal and what subject to variation in this realm. My team and I work with a cross-disciplinary approach that integrates methodologies from Linguistics, Artificial Intelligence, and Cognitive Science. Our approach requires large amounts of data, and part of our work involves gathering linguistic data on a large scale.
I teach Computational Semantics in the Master's in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics.
I suffer from a psychiatric illness, and I didn't dare put this on my webpage until I got a permanent position.
We're releasing version 2.2 of ManyNames, a dataset with multiple names per image for 25K naturalistic images! Play with it here.
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sample publications
- Gualdoni, E., G. Boleda. 2024.
Why do objects have many names? A study on word informativeness in language use and lexical systems.
Proceedings of EMNLP, to appear.
- Brochhagen, T., G. Boleda, E. Gualdoni, Y. Xu. 2023.
From language development to language evolution: A unified view of human lexical creativity.
Science, 381:431-436.
[pre-print, supp. mat., code]
- Gualdoni, E., T. Brochhagen, A. Mädebach, G. Boleda. 2023.
What's in a name? A large-scale computational study on how competition between names affects naming variation.
Journal of Memory and Language, 133:104459.
- Harrison, S., E. Gualdoni, G. Boleda. 2023.
Run Like a Girl! Sport-Related Gender Bias in Language and Vision.
Findings of the ACL, 14093-14103.
- Brochhagen, T., G. Boleda. 2022.
When do languages use the same word for different meanings? The Goldilocks Principle in colexification.
Cognition, 226:105179.
- Westera, M., A. Gupta, G. Boleda, S. Padó. 2021.
Distributional models of category concepts based on names of category members.
Cognitive Science, 45(9):e13029.
- Boleda, G. 2020.
Distributional Semantics and Linguistic Theory. Annual Review of Linguistics, 6:213-23. [pre-print]
- Silberer, C., S. Zarrieß, M. Westera, G. Boleda. 2020.
Humans Meet Models on Object Naming: A New Dataset and Analysis.
COLING 2020.
- Del Tredici, M., R. Fernández, G. Boleda. 2019.
Short-term meaning shift: a distributional exploration.
- Westera, M., G. Boleda. 2019.
Don't blame distributional semantics if it can't do entailment.
IWCS 2019.
- Aina, L., Silberer, C., Sorodoc, I., Westera, M., Boleda, G. 2019.
What do entity-centric models learn? Insights from entity linking in multi-party dialogue.
- McNally, L., G. Boleda. 2017.
Conceptual Versus Referential Affordance in Concept Composition.
In Yoad Winter & James Hampton (eds.) Compositionality and Concepts in Linguistics and Psychology 245-267. Springer.
- Boleda, G., A. Gupta, S. Padó. 2017.
Instances and concepts in distributional space.
EACL 2017.
- Boleda, G. and A. Herbelot. 2016.
Formal Distributional Semantics: Introduction to the Special Issue. Computational Linguistics 42:4, 619-635.
- Boleda, G., M. Baroni, N. The Pham, L. McNally. 2013.
Intensionality was only alleged: On adjective-noun composition in distributional semantics. IWCS 2013.
- Boleda, G., S. Schulte im Walde, T. Badia. 2012. Modeling
regular polysemy: A study of the semantic classification of Catalan
adjectives. Computational Linguistics 38(3):575-616.
- Bruni, E., G. Boleda, M. Baroni, N. K. Tran. 2012.
Distributional semantics in technicolor. ACL 2021.
- Sánchez Marco, C., G. Boleda, L. Padró. 2011.
Extending the tool, or how to annotate historical language varieties.
5th ACL-HLT Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities.
- Sanromà, R., G. Boleda. 2010.
The Database of Catalan Adjectives.
LREC 2010.
- McNally, L. and G. Boleda. 2004. Relational adjectives as properties of kinds.
Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics 5, 179-196.