(in case they’re useful for future applicants)
Ramón y Cajal fellowship (2015 call): “memoria”.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie European fellowship (2014 call): part B.
Beatriu de Pinós fellowship (2010 call): proposal.
Juan de la Cierva fellowship (2007 call): “memoria” (research proposal), CV, scientific track record of the receiving research group.
Video recording of talk (in Catalan): Dades i eines d’accés obert: clau per a la diversitat lingüística a Europa. Part of the Campus NPLD-Coppetiers, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, 14-15/11/2025.
Video recording of talk (in Catalan): Les paraules, entre el significat i l’ús. Part of the 31è Col·loqui Lingüístic de la Universitat de Barcelona (CLUB 31), 27/10/2023.
Interview (in Spanish) in the science podcast Matilda al habla: ciencia y tecnología, 27/07/2023.
Linguistics and artificial intelligence: why not? 360upf, October 2021. (In Catalan, Spanish, and English.)
Consulting for article Inteligencia artificial para detectar COVID-19 por la voz: hay modelos en prueba pero todavía no funcionan. Maldita.es, 10/05/2021.
How computational linguistics helps to understand how language works (also available in Catalan, Spanish; see language options on the website). Focus UPF , 25/02/2020. Based on the following article: Distributional Semantics and Linguistic Theory. Annual Review of Linguistics, Vol. 6: 213-23. (Here the pre-print version.)
Interview with the representation of the European Comission in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands about the importance of the ERC programme and my experience as a scientist who is a woman: in Catalan, Spanish. 31/10/2018.
El Periódico interview within an article about Horizon 2020, about my ERC project and about how enabling it is for female scientists that the European Research Council allows for a deadline extension in case of maternity: in Catalan, Spanish. 25/03/2017.